Mikhail Fominykh
A computer scientist and multimedia designer by training, Dr. Mikhail Fominykh started his career as a developer of software and learning content for the Russian Ministry of Education. Mikhail obtained his PhD at the Department of Computer and Information Science at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, (NTNU-Trondheim) and later did a postdoc at the Program for Learning with ICT at the same university. He has experience in the area of technology-enhanced learning from working
on several national and international R&D projects, developing courses, training programs, and their technological support. He published in several journals and books, and presented research findings at over 50 academic conferences.
Mikhail has been active in improving his academic competences, being on research stays in UK, USA and Russia, attending courses, workshops, and summer schools as well as supervising master students and teaching at several events for young researchers. At the same time, he has knowledge and interests in a broad range of areas including technology, art, research, education, cultures, and cooperation.
Key areas of expertise: designing distant learning activities, supporting distant learning with modern technologies, training in virtual reality, research design, international cooperation with Scandinavia and Russia, academic writing and publishing, conference presentations, strategies for sharing research results.
In 2015, Dr. Fominykh with Europlan UK initiated and coordinated a successful 2.7 million euro grant proposal in the area of training with Augmented Reality (European Union Horizon 2020 grant No 687669, WEKIT project http://wekit.eu/). More information about Dr. Fominykh can be found at http://mikhailfominykh.com.