Ebonita Ćurković
Europlan Representative in Croatia
Ebonita has extensive experience of working in the information and communication technology sector and education. She is a professional trainer in FP7 andSF proposal writing, knowledge management, networking and life coaching. A graduate of Zagreb University and Tilburg University, Ebonita worked for many years in New Zealand and Australia as a programmer analyst and trainer of operational management, marketing, business communication and negotiation. She has been working as the Coordinator for International Cooperation at the Croatian Institute of Technology – HIT (currently, BICRO) since her return to Croatia in 2007. She acts as an officially appointed national contact point and programme committee member for FP7 ICT and Research Infrastructures. Ebonita is currently involved in three FP7 projects: BALCON, Idealist 2014 and EuroRIs-Net.